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Video thumbnail: PBS NewsHour 3 Women 'at Forefront of Peace for Years' Honored With...

3 Women 'at Forefront of Peace for Years' Honored With...

Video thumbnail: PBS NewsHour Panel's Pitch to Nix Routine Prostate Cancer Tests Draws...

Panel's Pitch to Nix Routine Prostate Cancer Tests Draws...

Video thumbnail: PBS NewsHour Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Sits Down...

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Sits Down...

Video thumbnail: PBS NewsHour Romney: Voters Must Replace Obama to 'Keep America Strong...

Romney: Voters Must Replace Obama to 'Keep America Strong...

Video thumbnail: PBS NewsHour Shields, Brooks on Romney's Electability, Cain's 9-9-9...

Shields, Brooks on Romney's Electability, Cain's 9-9-9...

Video thumbnail: PBS NewsHour W, V, U or L: How Is the Economic Recovery Shaping Up,...

W, V, U or L: How Is the Economic Recovery Shaping Up,...

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