Independent Lens

Evolution of a Criminal

Season 16 Episode 7 | 1h 22m 22s  | Video has closed captioning.

How does a 16-year-old go from honors student to bank robber? In the <i>Independent Lens</i> documentary <i>Evolution of a Criminal</i>, filmmaker Darius Clark Monroe explores the financial straits that led him to a desperate act as teenager in Texas. Returning to the scene of the crime, Monroe interviews family members, close friends, and mentors to reflect on the aftermath.

Aired: 08/13/15

Expired: 09/12/15

Rating: TV-PG

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My experiences as an analog astronaut


My experiences as an analog astronaut

Heather Archuletta shares her experiences as an analog astronaut at NASA—and the long recovery afterward—going through months of arduous training for research.

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